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happy new years 2011

>> Minggu, 02 Januari 2011

Happy New Year

this fire flower front of my home hahahahah:)) all white look difference fire flower !hahahahah

hay this is my dad , may dad show his thumb to all !hahahahahahah:))

ay my mom cut the cake to eat hahahaha:))

hay my dog want to say happy new year to you all !hahahaha

hhahahahaha still more photo I will share you !

huy guysssss I bought last night with my younger sister ! yeah this is my new colection of mario bross hahahaha:))
my sister bought this to me cause I accompany to buy gift for her friends !hahahahaha ! really2 happy ang that's so so funny to me !:))
yeahh like new year gift hahaha

oke this foto I took to use self timer hahahahahha:)) with my younger sister and my cousin:))

yeah this my younger sister and my cousin hahahahahha:))

hahaha this just state counterfeits hahaha just to fun I'm not smoking and I'm don't like drink like the picture !
serious !hahahahah:))

hahahha my friend till coment thi photo at facebook hahahah:)) look at this hahha:))

hahahahahh she is believed ja sichhhh hahah:))

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